Molecular genetic distance and hybrid performance between Chinese and American maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds

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dc.contributor Zheng, D-H
dc.contributor Van, K
dc.contributor Wang, L
dc.contributor Lee, S-H 2012-03-08T00:40:57Z 2012-03-08T00:40:57Z 2008
dc.description.abstract Development of superior hybrids depends on the identification and exploitation of heterotic groups based on divergent germplasms. The polymorphisms among 13 Chinese and 13 American parental maize inbreds were evaluated at 107 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci. Grain yield of 169 F1 hybrids and corresponding molecular genetic distance (GD) for parents were partitioned into general and specific combining ability (GCA and SCA) and general and specific genetic distance (GGD and SGD), respectively. SSR data revealed that different geographic sources of inbreds were substantially divergent with several germplasm-specific alleles. GDs between Chinese and American inbreds showed greater mean values and narrower ranges than those within each set of inbreds. The parental inbreds were clustered into four groups. F1 performance was highly correlated with SCA for grain yield regardless of the type of cross. F1 performance and SCA were correlated with GD and SGD in hybrids created only with temperate inbreds. Maize superior hybrids were produced only by crosses of different germplasm with greater GDs. BSSS enhances the heterotic pattern with any other inbreds from China. Iowa Corn Borer Synthetic No. 1 (BSCB1) and CIMMYT Pool41 were new promising germplasms for establishment of potential heterotic patterns in the Chinese maize breeding program.
dc.publisher CSIRO
dc.subject molecular distances
dc.subject SSR marker
dc.subject yield prediction
dc.title Molecular genetic distance and hybrid performance between Chinese and American maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds
dc.type Research
dc.description.version Journal article
dc.identifier.volume 59 1010-1020
dc.identifier.issue 11

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