A comparison of feeding value for milk production of pasture silage conserved as round bales either wrapped or bagged in polythene.

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dc.contributor Hadero-Ertiro, A
dc.contributor Moate, PJ
dc.contributor Clarke, T
dc.contributor Rogers, GL
dc.date.accessioned 2012-01-25T12:27:40Z
dc.date.available 2012-01-25T12:27:40Z
dc.date.issued 1988
dc.identifier.citation Proc. Aust. Soc. Anim. Prod. (1988) 17: 410
dc.identifier.uri http://livestocklibrary.com.au/handle/1234/7884
dc.description.abstract 410 Proc, Aust. Soc. Anim. Prod. Vol. 17 A COMPARISON OF THE FEEDING VALUE FOR MILK PRODUCTION OF PASTURE SILAGE CONSERVED AS ROUND BALES EITHER WRAPPED OR BAGGED IN POLYTHENE A. HADERO-ERTIRO, P. MOATE, T. CLARKE and G.L. ROGERS Conservation of pasture silage in round bales is a new technique increasing in popularity with farmers because it is a more convenient method than silage made with traditional silage harvesters. Aerobic fermentation during ensilage/storage can cause significant losses of dry matter (DM) and protein (CP) (Valentine et al. 1984). This experiment compared nutrient losses resulting from two techniques of storing round bale silage. Perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture (digestible DM 69.8%; CP 16.2%) was cut with a rotary mower in November, wilted for 24 hours and baled with a GEHL 1460 round baler. Eighteen bales were sealed in individual polythene bags (200 urn> and 18 bales were tightly wrapped with several layers of polythene film (25 urn) using a Silawrap* machine. In March, the silages were offered to two groups of grazing cows in late lactation, at a rate of one bale/20 cows/day. Table 1. Effect of ensiling technique on storage losses and milk production Losses of nutrients from bagged silage were high and similar to those reported by others (Valentine et al. 1984). Wrapping reduced the gaseous loss of DM during storage and spoilage losses were also reduced. Total losses of DM were 34.4% and 9.8% in bagged and wrapped bales respectively. The better preservation of silage in wrapped bales resulted in an additional 35 litres of milk per bale of silage. VALENTINE, S.C.,. COCHRANE, M.J. and BARTSCH, B.D. (1984). Agric. Sci. 50 : 246. J. Aust. Inst. Dairy Research Institute, Ellinbank, R.M.B. 2460, Warragul, Vic., 3820 * Integrated Packaging Pty. Ltd., 1257 Sydney Road, Fawkner, Vic., 3060
dc.publisher ASAP
dc.source.uri http://www.asap.asn.au/livestocklibrary/1988/Hadero-Ertiro88.PDF
dc.title A comparison of feeding value for milk production of pasture silage conserved as round bales either wrapped or bagged in polythene.
dc.type Research
dc.identifier.volume 17
dc.identifier.page 410

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